Sormiskeittaaminen?!? Mitä se on?

Sormiskeittaaminen on rullalautailun kasvava alalaji, jossa temput tehdään jalkojen sijasta sormilla eli etusormi on takajalka ja keskisormi on etujalka. Sormiskeittaamista tapahtuu mielestäni ainakin kolmella eri tasolla, joista yksi on satunnainen leikkiminen muovisilla Tech Deck sormiskeittileluilla. Toinen on lähinnä varusteurheilua, eli kehuskellaan uusilla rampeilla, laudoilla sun muilla ja kolmas on näiden kaikkien "yhdistelmä", jossa kehuskelemisen sijaan käytetään ramppeja hyväksi, sillä niihin menee aika paljon rahaa.

Suomessa Tech Deck -leluskeittejä saa Marketeista, mutta esim. Berlinwoodin ammattimaisesti tehdyt hyvät ja laadukkaat laudat saat tällä hetkellä vain kahdesta kaupasta ja ne ovat DOH FB SHOP ja Ponkes Web Shop. DOH on erikoistuneempi ja asiantuntevampi pieni yritys kun taas Ponkesista saa isompia ramppeja sun muita.

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torstai 12. toukokuuta 2011

DOH Fingerboarding SHOP - Info on the shop in english

DOH FINGERBOARDING SHOP is a company started by Tomi and Sami Lempinen, the "DOH Brothers", who are into fingerboarding and have been skateboarding in the 90's. Tomi has been fingerboarding for about two years and has two sponsors (really one cause one of them was a finnish skateshop so he can't advertise another shop while keeping his own) and makes fingerboarding videos to YouTube. Last year he planned and organised DOH presents Fingerboarding For Fun DVD which turned out as a big success and we're proud of it. 

So DOH FB SHOP is a family company dedicated to fingerboarding and to other culturally inspiring activities like music and art. DOH FB SHOP sells only stuff that they have tested themselves / uses them and products made by companies who support the scene instead of exploiting it like many companies are trying to do. Keep fingerboarding in the hands of fingerboarders!

 We associate directly with Blackriver-Ramps, Flatface and Mitt Skateboards. So the products are in a perfect condition cause they haven't been rotting in some warehouse for months but come directly from the source. We are proud to be Finland's first fingerboarding store (and Scandinavia's as far as I know, meaning a store that sells only fingerboarding products)

We are involved with the scene and try to make it as fun as possible for everyone, not just for the ones who are really good at it. We sponsor two finnish dudes and we will be organising fingerboard events here in Finland. Tomi has also arranged Finland's first online fingerboard video competitions and writes Finland's first active blog about fingerboarding. 

We also have a workshop where we will be doing our own ramps, but they will be rare delicacy for a while since we have our hands full with this company. And I must say that we're definately not in this for the money, in fact we are loosing money every month until we get our shop open. And we're not expecting any huge orders also. We just want to provide finnish and scandinavian (other countries too of course if they're interested in associating with us) people the top quality equipment for this wonderful activity. Of course we are hoping to get some bread on the table by our company but that will take a lot of time before that happens. 

We encourage youngsters to DIY mentality meaning that they do things for themselves and think for themselves too. That's why we will be selling some finnish small fingerboard brands without making any profit with the products. And we will be hosting competitions through youtube in the future also. We sponsor events and such as well as we can but we're just a small beginning fingerboard company so we have to take things slowly and not to rush into things. We do what we can and everyone should do the same. 

If you are interested in our products at then send us e-mail and we can agree on the shipping and stuff like that. It might take a while before you can order sutff from our webshop from abroad, but should be coming during the summer. I will instantly post info on that in the DOH FB SHOP's frontpage and / or in here. 

We want to thank Mika Salmi for being such a generous artist, Jere for being such an artist with his camera, Ville Asp for his music and for his help in IT-problems and Basick for designing us a t-shirt. Very big props to Martin, Thomas and all of the Blackriver family for their support, also to Mike Schneider and Flatface big thanks for supporting my / our projects and finally special greetings for Harald Schön aka The Dirty Harry from Berlin. Thank you all so very much! Peace.


Sormiskeitti Nettikauppa